How far the Government went to hide the Truth… Joanne and I have been to Roswell NM multiple times since 2000. We’ve been there for lectures, film projects, and as part of the annual commemoration of the Roswell UFO crash of 1947. There was a time when we considered moving there, but we decided to […]
Category: UFO News
Film Review – The GULF of SILENCE (2020) starring Mandy May Cheetham, written and directed by M.K. Rhodes, 1 hour 25 minutes duration. (The only way I know to watch this film currently is on the streaming network TUBI which does have commercials, but it is free.) This is an especially important film with an […]
UFOs Are Real on 60 Minutes – Where Are We Now? There is no going back from what happened on May 16, 2021 on 60 Minutes: Bill Whitaker: So, what you are telling me is that UFOs, unidentified flying objects, are real? Lue Elizondo: Bill, I think we’re beyond that already. The government has already […]

(UFO Painting by Roxy Johnson) Wandering between two worlds, one dead, The other powerless to be born, With nowhere yet to rest my head, Like these, on earth I wait forlorn. Quote from Matthew Arnold Stanzas from the Grand Chartreuse A Journey through 2017 as seen by an Experienced Investigator Many psychics have pointed to […]
2017 – The Year of Amazing Connections
This is the Year of Key Anniversaries – It is the 70th Anniversary of the Kenneth Arnold sighting over a formation of crescent-shaped UFOs over Mount Rainier on June 24, and the 70th Anniversary of the Roswell UFO Crash and Cover-Up on the July 4th weekend. These events mark the beginning of the modern era […]
700 UFOs in the Pacific NW I have investigated over 700 reported UFO encounters in the Pacific NW. (I think it’s over 800 now.) This is a presentation about what I have concluded after 30 plus years, studying, interviewing and investigating UFOs. The presentation will include updates on a classic case that remains important, and […]
Today is the 66th anniversary of the famous Trent UFO photographs from McMinnville, OR. If you are new to UFO History you should really spend some time researching this event. Here is the synopsis of the main information: At 7:30 pm on May 11th, 1950 Evelyn Trent was walking back to her farmhouse after feeding […]

This is my rant to honor the anniversary of the Roswell UFO Crash. I do not agree that Mr. Maussan should be given the status of a venerable UFO Superstar by any organization unless the full financial statements related to the BeWitness event are made public. Here is what I genuinely despise about the […]

Time runs too fast and then it runs out. Suddenly I am here thinking about a man I had the honor of meeting in September of 2000 when my wife and I visited the International UFO Museum in Roswell, NM. One lengthy conversation with him over coffee changed my perspective on UFOs permanently. I […]

Here are some facts about UFO reports and investigations that you may not know or perhaps, you have not considered. I am sharing how they play out from my perspective – when you are planning an organizational strategy for Washington MUFON with limited resources. I am hoping through feedback with some hopefully good ideas, or […]