Articles and Commentary UFO Highlights UFO News

2017 – Fleeing Corporate Ufology and Finding My Way

(UFO Painting by Roxy Johnson) Wandering between two worlds, one dead, The other powerless to be born, With nowhere yet to rest my head, Like these, on earth I wait forlorn. Quote from Matthew Arnold Stanzas from the Grand Chartreuse A Journey through 2017 as seen by an Experienced Investigator Many psychics have pointed to […]

UFO Highlights UFO News

F15 Fighter Chases UFO Over Vancouver

Statement of law enforcement officer received by James E Clarkson on 07/13/2014. He contacted me and related this account on the basis that his identity would be protected. I spent substantial time interviewing him and I am convinced that this is a true High Strangeness Event: highly credible witness reporting an extraordinary aerial vehicle that […]

UFO Highlights UFO News

The June Crain Story

TELL MY STORY June Crain, the Air Force & UFO’s Available in Kindle from Amazon $4.99     What if you spent a career as a police sergeant interviewing crime victims, collecting evidence from crime scenes, auto wrecks, and autopsies, and then you met a respected no-nonsense woman who could prove she worked in secret […]

TV UFO Highlights

UFO Files – Hangar 18

Hangar 18: The UFO Warehouse: Elected officials, UFO researchers, and former base employees go on record for the first time regarding Hangar 18, the top-secret facility on Dayton, Ohio’s Wright Patterson Air Force Base. I communicated by telephone, email, and mail to work on The June Crain story told in this episode is the first […]