March 22 – March 24, 2024
Seaside Oregon Convention Center
12th Annual Oregon Ghost Conference
Joanne and I will both be attending the 12th Annual Oregon Ghost Conference in Seaside, Oregon on March 22 to March 24, 2024.

As the subject of UFOs has broadened to become UAPs (Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena), the field of Ghost Investigation has broadened to become PARANORMAL INVESTIGATION. This evolution has created a bigger tent for all those who research “Fringe” phenomena, those occurrences and encounters that occur on the strangely vague boundaries of conventional reality.
We have gone to two ghost conferences in Port Gamble, WA (Reputed to be the most haunted city in Washington State). They were wonderful events. Along the way we met Rocky Smith so we decided to jump into this year’s annual Oregon Ghost Conference taking place at the Seaside Oregon Convention Center. There will be 85 vendors, multiple speakers on a wide range of topics, ghost walks, and more.
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I am presenting a program titled UFOs – Truth from Many Voices. Joanne is presenting a program titled Psychic Palmistry to showcase her newly released book PSYCHIC PALMISTRY – A Guide to Intuition. Both of us are teaching classes. We are really excited for this event.