
Bigfoot vs. Aliens

Oct 13, 2012 Season 2 Episode 6 America is a nation under siege by unexplained phenomena. Whether you’re afraid of Bigfoot or alien invasion might depend on what state you call home. Bigfoot vs. Aliens. (2013). The History Channel website. Retrieved 1:32, April 26, 2013, from the History Channel. wanting someone to represent the pro […]

TV UFO Highlights

UFO Files – Hangar 18

Hangar 18: The UFO Warehouse: Elected officials, UFO researchers, and former base employees go on record for the first time regarding Hangar 18, the top-secret facility on Dayton, Ohio’s Wright Patterson Air Force Base. I communicated by telephone, email, and mail to work on The June Crain story told in this episode is the first […]