Tell My Story

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Front cover of "Tell My Story" - A book by James E. Clarkson telling the June Crain story

TELL MY STORY: June Crain, the Air Force & UFOs (2015 Edition)

NEW EDITION FOR 2015 – Revised with additional material relating June’s UFO sighting in the context of other significant cases.

The cost is $ 20.00 + 5.00 for U.S. shipping for softcover. If you would like to not use PayPal you are welcome to send James Clarkson an email to request information for how to pay by check.

Tell My Story - By James E. Clarkson - on sale now on Amazon Kindle

Now available in French.


What if you spent a career as a police sergeant interviewing crime victims, collecting evidence from crime scenes, auto wrecks, and autopsies, and then you met a respected no-nonsense woman who could prove she worked in secret laboratories at Wright-Patterson AFB and she told you about UFO Crashes, Alien Bodies, and how the Cover-Up works?

This is the June Crain Story, told in her own words, placed into the context of the history of the UFO Phenomena since World War II. This is a strong indictment of the last official word from the Air Force on Roswell. Tell My Story explains why Roswell and UFO’s in general are anything but Case Closed.

James Clarkson lives in Olympia, WA retired from 30 years experience as a police officer and a State fraud investigator. Previously he served as an investigator with the Army military police. He has a lifelong interest in the study of UFO’s and he joined the Mutual UFO Network in 1986. He is now the Washington State Director for MUFON. He has lectured extensively on radio and before audiences across the USA and in Paris. He met June Crain in 1993 while lecturing in Ocean Shores, WA.


Well written book of June Crain’s Testimony, May 26, 2013
By J. M. – See all my review.

This review is from: TELL MY STORY – June Crain, the Air Force & UFO’s (Kindle Edition)
In full disclosure, I had the pleasure of speaking with the author for about an hour prior to purchasing this book. I found Mr. Clarkson to be a honest individual with a dedication to seeking out the truth. I was not advised by the author that this book even existed, let alone told to purchase it, and found it on my own. I purchased the Kindle version for my Kindle Paperwhite.

I am very skeptical by nature, and take most accounts of UFOs, UFO abductions, Government conspiracies and other related topics with a grain of salt, and my review of this book will include all of my thoughts, positive and negative to June’s story, and the content within the book. For this reason, the review contains some spoilers, and you should probably read the book before you read this review. I would recommend you purchase it, so if that’s why you’re reading this review, then just buy it and come back to comment on what I have to say…Read the rest of the review >