
The Moore Show

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James Clarkson on the Moore Show

James Clarkson discusses the June Crain story, June M. Kaba born June M. Crain on June 16, 1925 related her experiences as a young woman employed by the War Department at Wright Army Air Field from 1943 to 1952. She was there in 1947 when the Army Air Corps became the US Air Force. In 1997 when CNN told America not to bother with the 50th anniversary of the Roswell Crash, she called James Clarkson to tell him the Balloon and Dummy Story was a “damned lie” they had used before to explain away UFO’s and to keep the public from being concerned.

Other World Radio

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James Clarkson on Other World Radio

OTHER WORLD RADIO Guest: James Clarkson Topic: MUFON & ORB Sightings Duration: 60mins. James Clarkson  is a retired police sergeant with 20 years of criminal justice training and experience. Previously he served as an investigator with the Army military police. Upon retiring he became a child abuse detective and now works as a State investigator. He has a lifelong interest in the study of UFO’s and he joined the Mutual UFO Network in 1986. He is now the Washington State Director Washington State Director for EPIC. He has lectured extensively on radio and before audiences in across the USA and in Paris.

He met June Crain in 1993 while lecturing in Ocean Shores, WA. and thus became the author of  “TELL MY STORY – June Crain”, the Air Force & UFOs. A Life story of a key corroborating witness to UFO technology discovery and the Cover-Up. Insights into the early history of the Air Force at Wright-Patterson AFB and rocket research in the Southwest. The June Crain Story has been featured in the UFO Files episode titled Hangar 18 – The UFO Warehouse produced by Duane Tudahl as seen on the History Channel.

Earthfiles – Episode 62

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Episode 62 June Crain, UFOs and Wright Field, 1942-1952. An Aberdeen, Washington, police detective, James E. Clarkson, interviewed 72-year-old June Crain Caba before her 1998 death about her work at Wright Field, Ohio, where she held a SECRET Q clearance, knew about UFO crashes in New Mexico and retrievals of non-human bodies, and even held in her own hands “spaceship” metal that always returned to its original shape.

UFO Paranormal Radio Network

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A Global Focus Guest, James Clarkson, Career Investigator, UFO Investigator, Author, and Lecturer.