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Counter-Intelligence 2023 – How Ken Klippenstein Sold His Soul

Ken Klippenstein, a national security reporter has published an article in the Intercept that is pure debunkery. The article is designed to destroy the public reputation of David Grusch because his July 26th sworn testimony in front of a House Sub-Committee on UAPs seriously damaged the establishment narrative that UAPs are fictitious and there are no hidden Special Access Projects that are secretly racing to master Non-Human Technology.

Counter-Intelligence 2023 – How Ken Klippenstein Sold His Soul

I am writing this to counter the hit piece published in the Intercept by Ken Klippenstein

I had a friend named Tim when I was a Military Police Investigator in the late 70s at Fort Lewis, WA. Tim had been in Airborne Special Forces Infantry in Vietnam, and he had survived some of the worst combat experiences imaginable. He had PTSD but he kept it mostly under control.

Tim was a Staff Sergeant when he transferred into our Section, the Office of Military Police Investigation. Although his primary duty was Evidence Custodian, he wanted to be directly involved. He would ride with the duty investigator, or he would go out when we had plainclothes investigators working surveillance, or other special assignments.

We socialized together as young men in the Army do. There were moments when Tim would be laughing with the rest of us, and then he got a faraway look, and he talked about his time in Vietnam. I remember Tim telling me about his friend from basic and advanced training. They were in Vietnam in a firefight soon after they arrived, his friend was next to him firing a belt-fed machine gun. The gun went silent, and when Tim turned to look, his friend’s head was blown away. I also know that he was n in an infantry unit that went from company strength down to just a few survivors. The phrase “battlefield promotion” was literally true for Tim.

Tim was soft-spoken, generous, and had a great sense of humor. He was the first choice for someone to have your back in a bar fight, and yet I never saw him use excessive force on anyone. Mostly I remember that although he knew way too much about combat, he was dependable, reliable, and honest.

I know that my friend Tim suffered from PTSD, like too many other good people who served in Vietnam, Korea, Iraq, Afghanistan, and too many other places. He didn’t hallucinate or fantasize. He was recalling his own horrible experiences in terrible situations. This happens to good people who endure war close-up. They don’t stop being credible, decent people.

Ken Klippenstein, a national security reporter has published an article in the Intercept that is pure debunkery. The article is designed to destroy the public reputation of David Grusch because his July 26th sworn testimony in front of a House Sub-Committee on UAPs seriously damaged the establishment narrative that UAPs are fictitious and there are no hidden Special Accees Projects that are secretly racing to master Non-Human Technology. Conspicuously absent from Klippenstein’s article is any mention of the other two witnesses, David Fravor and Ryan Graves.

Repeat after me: Nothing that Grusch said about UFO/UAP Secrecy is true because he has suffered from alcoholism brought on by PTSD. If the Pentagon says they aren’t hiding any Alien Technology from the American People, then that that’s good enough for me. Anyone want some Yellow Cake Uranium fresh from Iraq?

If you want to understand what is happening, see the 2000 book by Terry Hansen titled: THE MISSING TIMES – News Media Complicity in the UFO Cover-Up. Counterintelligence has been successfully used on the public since World War 2, to include the subject of UFOs, certainly since 1947.

As a cop I transported people who were involuntarily committed for psychiatric evaluation. I have heard some of these people make bizarre statements about Jesus. Maybe Mr. Klippenstein would like to write an article discrediting Jesus because there have been mentally unstable people who went on religious rants. Imagine the backlash if he did that!

I think Klippenstein has made a deal with the Devil, like Annie Jacobsen when she got access to AREA 51 insider stories; she had to include the “Roswell was a Saucer Made by Joe Stalin and filled with the bodies of children mutilated by Mengele” theory to get the stories for her book. Her book was filed in bookstores as “Military History,” and not under the “Paranormal and Metaphysics” section like all other books on UFOs.

We still have an enemy who controls the UFO narrative. Stay strong!

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