March 22-24, 2024 Seaside Convention Center in Seaside, Oregon

As Unidentified Flying Object (UFO) became Unidentified ANOMALOUS Phenomena (UAP), the public understanding of Paranormal Investigation broadened. UFOs are now on the schedule for the 2024 Oregon Ghost Conference in Seaside, OR on March 22-24,k 2024 at the Seaside Convention Center.
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On Friday, March 22, at 5-6 pm I will be presenting on the Main Stage with a program titled “Truth from Many Voices” and Saturday, March 23 from 2-4 pm I will beholding a class titled “Investigating the Unconventional” devoted to presenting the basic principles of Investigation that are common to studying UFOs, Ghosts, Cryptids, and the Paranormal in general. These days there have been major news in the UFO/UAP world, and I have included recent developments in this presentation.
Joanne and I have not been to this conference before, but we have been told this is a well-attended event. There are 90 vendors present with a waiting list, and there are Ghost Walks in town each night. This promises to be an exciting opportunity!