This last week I was interviewed by Ryan Harris, Reporter/Anchor from KNWN/Northwest News Radio in Seattle, WA. Sometimes you meet people and you are instantly sympatico. This interview helped me to get my UFO mojo back.
It is easy to get discouraged trying to find your way through the Sargasso Sea of UFO “information” on the Internet. There are so many CGI attempts and failures. People are so attention-starved, many will say or do anything to garner attention in the form of “likes.”
Any serious student of the UFO Mystery must also cope with the ongoing policy of secrecy and denial by various Government agencies that has been ongoing almost incessantly since the Robertson Panel arrived at the conclusion that the People can’t be told the Truth about our Visitors in 1952 – 70 years ago.
I just wanted to share some basic thoughts on UFOs in the beautiful Pacific Northwest.
One reply on ““UFO Detective” on why the NW is a popular destination for UFOs”
Very interesting, thank you.