Saturday, September 17, 2022, at the City Farm Building located at:
456 N. Market Boulevard
Chehalis, WA 98532
Way too much fun in a beautiful venue, commemorating the beginning of the Flying Saucer Age, when a businessman named Kenneth Arnold took off from Chehalis in a small plane and while flying across Mount Rainier he observed a formation of metallic UFOs on June 24, 1947. Later interviewed by a news reporter from the East Oregonian newspaper, Arnold was trying to describe the way that the strange aircraft seemed to flutter in the air, like “if you skipped a saucer across the water.” The newspaperman was taking notes and wanting to shorten Arnold’s words, he wrote. “FLYING SAUCER,” not knowing he was creating a new phrase in the English language.
Even though we know that UFOs come in a variety of shapes and sizes, from the classic saucer to the ominous black triangle or gigantic cylinders, Flting Saucer remains as the key phrase, and it happened slightly before Roswell. So we Washingtonians say with pride, “They came here first!”
Come to Chehalis on September 17 for a great time.
Schedule of Events for the Chehalis Flying Saucer Party: