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2017 – Fleeing Corporate Ufology and Finding My Way

(UFO Painting by Roxy Johnson)

Wandering between two worlds, one dead,
The other powerless to be born,
With nowhere yet to rest my head,
Like these, on earth I wait forlorn.

Quote from Matthew Arnold
Stanzas from the Grand Chartreuse

A Journey through 2017 as seen by an Experienced Investigator

Many psychics have pointed to 2017 as the Year of the Star; the major lesson is that it’s never easy to follow a Star, or Lights in the Sky, or more to the point, most of what passes for leadership in Washington DC or in Ufology. My wife, a retired Hospice Nurse and now a full-time poet and a psychic, posts the Tarot of the Day. On many occasions this year, the Tower has been drawn. The classic Tower is a stone turret struck by lightning and collapsing towards the ground. The meaning: what has been will no longer stand and profound change is upon us. We don’t know if it’s an omen of imminent catastrophe or a glowing talisman guiding us forward.

The collapse of old paradigms is everywhere. Without being partisan, on the national level, there is almost universal dissatisfaction and a pervasive sense that the conventional systems aren’t working. Billions were spent using every media strategy imaginable to promote one candidate or the other; the goal is not truth or serving the public; it’s about garnering the most attention right now for votes, money, or power. The impression I receive from most people in the aftermath of the 2016 Election Media Tsunami is Overloaded and Frustrated. How is Ufology different?

What is the major lesson for Ufology in 2017? It is clear like words burning on the Wall. The Non-Human Intelligence(s) are not arriving openly any time soon. We are not ready for Contact, not even close. If you don’t believe me, turn on the evening news. Or in the field of UFOs, pretend you know nothing about this subject, examine UFO websites and discussions on Facebook, and then ask yourself what we have learned since 1947. We’re selling a product we can’t objectively prove is real. And sadly, it is more about selling than investigating. If you investigate UFO reports long enough, you start asking deeper questions, ones that will not be answered any time soon.

What is the deeper Truth behind the UFO Mystery, or on a more personal level, what have I learned, and perhaps a better question, how have I served the collective effort to understand whatever this Mystery is – a gradual evolving connection with Non-Human Intelligence, misperceptions of natural and man-made phenomena, governmental disinformation to serve hidden intelligence strategies, or one of mankind’s greatest delusions, or all the above?

One part of the UFO Mystery is for certain – what hinders our research and enriches it is one crucial aspect. We can’t avoid the human factor. No matter how scientific you want to be, you must interview the witnesses. But unfortunately, the witnesses are humans who are influenced by ego, perceptual limitations, and social media. Now popularity is equated with veracity. The Internet is filled with people claiming to be experts, people who claim they have the truest perspective on UFO Reality usually because they became “informed” by some other web page. Or, they are on the other side of the problem and they are highly skilled armed with the latest media manipulation tools. Facts or evidence are no longer required, even in MUFON, which has been the greatest disappointment of the year for me.

In my regular working life, I wore several hats during a 20-year police career to include supervising a detective unit and field training for new officers. Interviewing people is an Art, not a true Science. Establishing trust, obtaining the cooperation of a stranger, and assessing the quality of the information obtained – this is learned by experience and requires finesse and compassion. There is no precise way to measure these qualities.

What has gone wrong with MUFON has also gone wrong with Ufology. Investigative journalism has been derailed by the same forces. In this way Ufology reflects larger issues that are pervasive to current media-driven culture. Wild, unsubstantiated claims get the most attention in Ufology and in politics because they generate attention which converts to dollars and allegiance. People who are logical, reasonable and sane do not sell as many symposium tickets, or as many books or DVDs. To prove that argument I submit the names of the two key speakers at the 2017 MUFON Symposium, Corey Goode and Andrew Basiago. They fill seats at conferences, but they will never be accused of being bogged down by evidence.

It appears that just about everything has been over-run by the Corporate Model – any statement or conduct is acceptable if it creates more income for those at the top. Rational thinking, scientific examination, and the idea of serving others is not profitable. Say something outrageous and unsubstantiated and you will drown out what is reasonable.

What is communicated about UFOs or what we are told about current events in Washington DC is held to the same venal, pragmatic standards. The information we receive only adds value if it adds to how an organization appears to the public, if it promotes conference ticket sales or sells more merchandise.

After 30 years as a member of the Mutual UFO Network and even more years as a UFO researcher, I reached a crisis point this year. Bob Dylan said it well, “He not busy being born is busy dying.” I investigated over 800 UFO reports directly for MUFON, and I assisted on many more. Most of those cases may be summarized with the phrase that you go out the same door you went in. This is at the heart of why Dr. Hynek did not include Lights in the Sky Cases as valid scientific data. No matter how much the individual reporter may be certain that they have witnessed the presence of ET Intelligence, there is not much substance that will help humanity to collectively understand what is going on all around us.

I reached my crisis point as Washington State MUFON Director when a man from Seattle reported that while staying in a sketchy hotel by the airport he was attacked in the shower by a Gray Alien. His report included a selfie which told me that he could easily pass as an enforcer for the Russian mob. As proof of his close encounter, he included a recording of an unidentified person telling him that he was no longer possessed by demons. The other photos were closeups of the inside of a toilet which he submitted as evidence that he had sustained an internal injury while being attacked. I suspected a more likely explanation for his report was recreational pharmaceuticals and not eating enough fiber. He also couldn’t decide if he needed a Ufologist or an exorcist. When I asked basic questions, he became belligerent and threatening.

Most reports are not this horrendous but in many cases if you are an honest UFO investigator, you will have arguments with witnesses who don’t have even a basic knowledge of what is supposed to be in the night sky like Venus or the International Space Station.

MUFON requires with ever more complicated bureaucratic procedures, that every single report must become a full investigation. Couple that onerous requirement with the inherent nature of managing volunteers, and the result is that if you are a dedicated State Director, you are doing one of the most thankless jobs there is, for nothing. State Directors pay the same prices at the Symposium and elsewhere as any member of the public. Meanwhile, at the top the goal is to make MUFON a million-dollar enterprise by any means necessary with a commensurate salary and expense account for those at the top. I know this from inside sources and because I was one of the State Directors who was interviewed by a business consultant hired by MUFON’s International Director, Jan Harzan; the consultants only wanted to know two things: how much money did my state organization generate and how much could I donate to headquarters.

No one cares when directors complain about a MUFON computer server that is so slow that an Atari 64 would leave it at the starting line; this has been the subject of complaints for years with no action taken. The MUFON reporting form has a dazzling array of blanks to fill in, that seldom are completed by anyone. And then then there is the lack of any serious case screening; MUFON is the only “investigative” agency that claims to fully investigate every report it receives regardless of the quality. Every other investigative agency in the world makes decisions about resources and personnel versus case load. But with free labor, MUFON has no such worry – MUFON can use up State Directors like cheap work horses, why would it matter if the revenue stream continues?

On April 14, 2017, I traveled to Eureka Springs, Arkansas for the 30th Annual Ozark Mountain UFO Conference to be the lead-off speaker. This was a great opportunity to share with a wonderful audience of over 400. I was also interviewed by Adam Ademovic for the YouTube channel UFO Hub. That one interview has connected me with people in many countries and now has 178,000 views. It is my attempt to  sum up what I have learned and to persuade others to think carefully about what they are accept as Evidence on the trail of the UFO Mystery. (See YouTube UFO Hub: )

But other events during this Conference turned out to be more significant. I met an extraordinary lady and she helped me realize that I could not stay with MUFON or the rest of Corporate Ufology any longer. While I was busy as a speaker elsewhere, my wife was meeting everyone in the Vendor’s Room. She made a new friend who referred her to a spiritual psychic named Yvonne.

I sat with Yvonne for a long time. We talked like people who had known each other forever but we had only just met, at least in this lifetime. I asked her if she had any overall insights for me – she looked in my eyes and said, “Only that I think we were brother and sister in another life.” It was an important moment only for way more reasons than I knew then. (If your scoff at the idea of reincarnation, I recommend Many Lives, Many Masters by Dr. Brian L. Weiss among other works on reincarnation.) There is one detail in this story that shouldn’t have to be included, but it must be for the rest of the story to make sense: My Other Sister is Black. What happened next combined with meeting Yvonne, led me to quitting MUFON.

In May 2017, John Ventre, MUFON State Director and Inner Circle Member of long standing, delivered a racist rant on Facebook. I started asking myself to what degree I am racist if I tolerate conduct from others that is hurtful and evil. The answer was obvious. In 1987, I joined MUFON out of a genuine love for the study of UFOs. That passion for the subject is even stronger now. In 30 years of study I don’t have many answers, but I am certain that if humanity is ever going to be ready to meet our Visitors openly, then we need to treat each other much better than we have demonstrated so far.

Soon after I heard about John Ventre’s rant, I spoke with a leader in this field who pointed out that there comes a point where State Directors should not remain silent. Shortly afterwards, Yvonne called me. She promised that if she visited her son that we would meet. We were able to see each other twice while she was visiting her son in the Seattle area.

Words and ideas have great power. Humans all bleed the same way, but humanity sure manages to figure out a whole lot of arbitrary distinctions just so one group can pretend to be superior to another like what color of skin we happened to have at birth. Social media has the power to instantly change the focus and perception of untold numbers of people. And it does not matter if perceptions are true and accurate or not, only that they are persuasive. I do not agree with Mr. Harzan that a simple declaration that John Ventre’s comments are not related to his special status in MUFON will eliminate the harm that this incident has done to MUFON’s reputation. People who step up and oppose racism are not “Haters hating.” They are expressing basic concern for the rights of ALL people.

I was a police officer for 20 years. The biggest problem with cops is simple – they recruit them from the human race. People judge all police officers by their last contact with any officer whether it was good or bad. It’s not fair, but it is human nature. This is more especially true if that officer, or in this case, MUFON State Director, has a special status in the organization. I have read and re-read Mr. Ventre’s remarks; racist is the only conclusion I can draw. I don’t want to be judged by someone else’s malicious attitude, or by an institutional policy of pretending this conduct is acceptable. There is a blog quote that cuts to the heart of the matter.

This is from a man named Robbie Graham posting on

Jan Harzan’s official statement here is an absolute disgrace. “Who is worse,” he asks, “the posters posting or the haters hating?” In the context of this issue, he’s implying that those who stand up to racism are as bad as (or worse than) the racists themselves, with the racist being merely a “poster” and the anti-racists being “haters.” He should be thoroughly ashamed of himself. Utter disgrace. If Harzan represents MUFON, then MUFON is a joke, and a sick one at that.

This year was the 70th anniversary of the Roswell New Mexico UFO Crash Retrieval event. This great UFO Festival is always scheduled around the July 4th weekend. I had the good fortune to be one of the speakers at the UFO Museum. Roswell has become so familiar and so loved by my wife and I that we considered moving there. The city has many wonderful people, a strong arts community and two excellent museums aside from the UFO Museum. Add in the best chili relleno on the planet and you might begin to understand why I treasure my Roswell trips.

But when I hear the word Roswell I think of an ongoing investigation with over 600 witnesses who each have a piece of the puzzle. I think of the beginning of the National Security State. The National Security Act went into effect on September 18, 1947, less than 3 months after the disturbing new reality made its way to the highest levels of power. The armed services and intelligence services were placed under the Department of Defense. The CIA was born. In addition, when you consider the intimidation and criminal acts directed against the Roswell witnesses, there is little wonder why Roswell remains the mother lode UFO event in the USA.

By the time I left Seattle for Roswell, NM, I had resigned from my position as Washington State Director. I did this after I helped a very dedicated lady in my state become my replacement. Right after I made the initial announcement of my resignation as SD, I was contacted by Chase Kloetzke, the Director of the MUFON Special Assignments Team because she wanted me to remain as a team member. It was an uneasy accommodation, but out of respect for her, I agreed.

In 2016 some 5,000 visitors went through the International UFO Museum and Research Center over 4 days around the July 4th weekend. In 2017, 7,000 visitors visited in 3 days. City located Roswell has been described as a great city “conveniently located 200 miles from anywhere.” But this doesn’t stop people coming from all over the world to get as close to the Roswell UFO event as they can.

On Friday, June 30, I had dinner at Pepper’s on south Main Street with Greg Bishop and the other members of the Blue Blurry Lines, ad hoc UFO investigations group, the investigators who so adroitly solved the Roswell Slides case. The Roswell Slides became the cause celebre for the UFO community in 2015, leading up to Jaime Maussan’s big event on May 5 in Mexico City. I wasted a few dollars to live stream the event and I had the same reaction I have had to so many other promises of “real UFO disclosure” over the years – Everyone in the UFO community is playing the part of Charlie Brown. Lucy is holding up a football for us with the word Disclosure written on the side, and we just know that this time she won’t let us kick the empty air. Sad, pathetic and predictable.

Investigative integrity has been at the center of my thinking this year. A friend of mine who is one of the best UFO researchers in this field, commented about not staying silent when those in power are breaking the rules or violating ethics. If you stay silent long enough, you become like a Mafia wife. That was another part of why I had to resign my position as a MUFON State Director. (If you want to know the heart of what was troubling me as I sat in the company of Greg Bishop and the Blue Blurry Lines investigators, I invite you to read “UFOs: Reframing the Debate” edited by Robbie Graham. This is a book for people who want to think for themselves.)

Maybe my opinion is not a whole lot more important than anyone else’s when it comes to assessing the UFO Conundrum, but how I feel when I look in the mirror is. While I was talking to these gentlemen in Roswell after an excellent dinner at Pepper’s, I pulled my MUFON Special Assignments Team ID card out of my wallet and held it under the table. It became obvious that as long I remained on Jan Harzan’s special investigative team, I was tacitly endorsing the parade of UFO Showmen that have become de rigeur for MUFON Symposiums and Awards.

I recalled the Roswell Slides fiasco, and how an ad hoc group of investigators teamed up and got to the bottom of the fraud that was perpetrated on the entire UFO community. I say that as an experienced criminal investigator. I doubt that Adam Dew, Jaime Maussan and a few others, did anything except see dollars signs in the public reaction to the claim that the blurry slides were photos of a “Real ET” body instead of the mummified corpse of a Native American child. No one knows how much money was made from the May 5, 2015 presentation in Mexico City.

As we talked I started folding my MUFON SAT ID into pieces while we enjoyed our dinner and the company. When I left the restaurant, the pieces went into the trash. Although there are some excellent investigators in MUFON SAT, I decided I would no longer work for an organization that does not respect serious investigative work. I decided I no longer wanted to “get no respect,” with apologies to Rodney Dangerfield. My wife had put up with my grief over MUFON for so long; I know she was relieved when I decided to walk away.

There was one more significant event during this year’s Roswell UFO Festival for me. One of the main events of the annual UFO Festival is a Saturday night parade and the UFO Museum always has a float with the Festival speakers seated on the back. This year I got to sit next to a wonderful lady named Frankie Rowe. When I look back at the special meetings I have had over the last 30 years, I believe there really are reasons for every event in our lives. I know this was true when I met June Crain. It was just as true when I got to sit next to Frankie Rowe on the UFO Museum float this year.

At the celebration of the 70th Anniversary of the Roswell Crash, July 1, 2017, Frankie and I sat next to each other on the UFO Museum float and we swapped life stories. She had so much fun riding in the parade. She told me she had never ridden on a float before but she remembered marching in a parade as a cheerleader in her youth. I showed her how make her glow wand work and she smiled, waving back at the crowds gathered along the streets of Roswell while we shared our stories.

I told Frankie about my friend June Crain and Frankie shared what she learned from her father, Dan Dwyer, who responded to the crash site as a Roswell fireman and found the wrecked craft with bodies and one alien still walking around. The alien “talked in their heads.” She added that her father didn’t know the word telepathy but the being told them not to be afraid, that They meant us no harm and they had been watching us for a long time.

She said that she spent many years being afraid because of the soldier who threatened to murder her and her family if they talked about the UFO Crash. In 1947 she was 12 years old. But she had mostly gotten over the fear because the soldier’s son had come to her house in 2012 and asked for her forgiveness of what his father had done long Ago. (Frankie Rowe was shown a yearbook from Walker Army Air Field in 1947 and she identified Arthur Philbin for Roswell researchers Don Schmitt and Tom Carey.) Philbin’s son was healing himself by apologizing to Frankie because his father was a cruel man whose duty was to intimidate anyone who might tell the truth about Roswell.)

When she told me that she had never forgotten how afraid she was when she was threatened in 1947, I realized how far our own government would go to cover up whatever crashed outside of Roswell. Part of the importance of Frankie’s story is what it reveals about the darker side of the Military Industrial Complex. A telephone repairman discovered an old-style telephone tap on her line in 1997.

Right before we left Roswell on July 3rd of this month, we had breakfast with Frankie at the hotel. Joanne Clarkson read Frankie’s palm and they talked like old friends. Very fortunately, I had the impulse to take their picture at the table. Frankie at 82 years old was still a beautiful lady who spoke clearly with conviction and sincerity. Three weeks after I returned home, on July 28th, Frankie Rowe passed away peacefully in Breckinridge, Texas.

Quoting from her obituary, “Her greatest joy was going to the UFO museum on a regular basis. Frankie’s most treasured memories were living in the country, raising her children, farming and tending to her horses. She was a loving mother, sister, aunt, grandmother and great-grandmother.” When I told Joanne the sad news and through her tears she said, “Now you have another angel.” I love the idea of one of those never-ending New Mexico sunsets, with Frankie on horseback accompanied by a wolf-dog. Frankie, you blessed everyone who knew you.

There was one more chapter in our visit to New Mexico in July 2017. On the last evening, July 3rd, we walked into a strange encounter in Old Towne, Albuquerque. Right before closing time, we walked into a shop offering Native American art. Behind the counter stood a woman from the Tewa tribe of the Tesuque Pueblo. I soon learned her name was Ruby Blue. In front of the counter was a family of five, a middle-aged couple and their three young adult children. The children, two girls and a boy, were all strikingly attractive. They were tall with blonde hair and blue eyes. The children were so striking that they looked like Nordic models, and not like their shorter parents.

Ruby Blue immediately greeted us by saying, “Would you like to help with the Corn Blessing ceremony?” Then she quickly added, “I asked Spirit for the Two Witnesses I need, and Spirit has heard me.” Blessings should be shared; we both said yes and soon all seven of us were given a pinch of ground corn to hold in our palms. Southwest Native American culture holds the Number Four as sacred – we stood in a line facing in each of the Four Cardinal directions as Ruby Blue recited a prayer in her native language. After the closing I turned to comfort my wife, who a vision that brought tears to my wife. I turned to look for the family and they had vanished. I never heard them depart.

Before we left, Ruby Blue explained that she was a medicine woman. I told her how it was that we arrived in her shop right after we had driven from Roswell after the UFO Festival. As we left she said, “You will meet an Alien within a year and a half. You will see the Alien, but your wife will not see it.” I am watching for that Arrival all the time.

We returned home on July 4 and I submitted my final and complete resignation from MUFON. And as is customary, you devote many years of service to MUFON and they don’t even say thank you. The backbone of MUFON are the State Directors who volunteer thousands of hours to an organization that doesn’t even offer a slight discount to them at the annual Symposium. MUFON is very Soviet; once you have left or been purged, it is as if you never existed.

On July 22, 2017, a much more significant resignation was delivered to Jan Harzan. Robert Powell, the Director of Scientific Research resigned over extreme frustration with the direction of MUFON, especially as reflected in the selection of Corey Goode and Andrew Basiago as the lead speakers for the 2017 Symposium. More ominous still is that Powell’s position has not been filled. I wrote a blog entry that describes the significance of Robert Powell’s resignation titled “Science has left the building – The Historic MUFON 2017 Symposium and How the Show Must Go On” ( )

It is alarming enough that Robert Powell felt compelled to resign; anyone who cares about MUFON’s original mission should be in a state of total alarm. It’s not about the UFO Mystery; it’s all about Entertainment with a capital “E” and a dollar sign.

On a side note, what makes this history somewhat more bitter than sweet, Tom DeLonge, the former indie rocker of the group Blink-182 is scoring big dollars with his move to harness the general enthusiasm for alternative technology and ET Disclosure. DeLonge’s “Public Benefit Corporation,” called To the Stars is raising money via crowdfunding and currently has initially pulled in $265,605 from 535 investors. As of December 12, 2017, the website indicates that $ 2, 085, 953 has been raised from investors. Tom DeLonge keeps promising that the really great UFO stuff” will be released soon. With the To the Stars Academy Offering Circular dated September 29, 2017, page 24:

We are required to pay the DeLonge Parties royalties on gross sales ranging from 0.5 – 15% depending on the product category (see “Risk Factors”, “Liquidity and Capital Resources” and “Interest of Management and Others in Certain Transactions”). Mr. DeLonge has the right to approve any royalty granted to a third party in connection with a Licensed Product. If total royalty payments to the DeLonge Parties in any given calendar year fail to meet $100,000, we have agreed to pay any shortfall such that the annual minimum royalty paid to the DeLonge Parties will be $100,000.

Then there is the matter of associated expense accounts. If your travel, lodging and meals, etc. is covered by an expense account where you approve the expenditures, plus a hundred-grand salary, life is good. Even the $69,000 in 2016 to MUFON International Director Jan Harzan is pretty good for the UFO entertainment industry.

Mr. DeLonge’s UFO-related business venture seems to be all about rebranding and repackaging the same old information. The recent flurry of news stories about UFOs captured on fighter jet gun camera film are old cases that have been declassified. DeLonge’s novel titled SEKRET MACHINES was co-authored. The plot line is entertaining but derivative of many other sci-fi novels. Just today there was a Facebook story in Spanish praising Tom DeLonge for revealing the truth about Roswell – it was Nazi aircraft technology flown awry. I totally disagree with this explanation, but I hope Annie Jacobsen and Nick Redfern sue DeLonge for stealing their ideas.

But we are in the age where all that matters are getting more “Likes” or a bigger Twitter following than the competition. Truth doesn’t matter. Only the glitter requires dazzling quality. It is all about Form; who cares about Substance?
A recent commentary in an aviation magazine pointed out that the UFO videos do not have time, date, or location. One of the pilots is heard to identify one of the alleged UFOs as a drone aircraft. It appears that 2 of the 3 alleged UFO videos have been on the Internet before. So, Mr. Tom DeLonge – “Where’s the beef?”

If you look at the backgrounds of the Team supposedly assembled and led by Tom DeLonge, you find careers with the CIA, DoD, Bigelow Aerospace, Lockheed Martin and other contractors in the field of intelligence, aerospace and national defense. The obvious questions are Who is leading who, and for what purpose?

So here we are as members of the UFO research community, faced with an aging rock star from a pop punk band, Blink 182, Tom DeLonge. He is now a self-proclaimed UFO research guru and he is leading us all to the promised land of government Disclosure because he is the only person bold enough to knock on the doors of top secret intelligence agencies in DC and persuade them to tell us everything they know because of his charisma and celebrity status. Many of the team members of the To the Stars Academy are “former” members of the CIA. This is the same agency that brought us MK Ultra and Project Northwoods among other evil projects. Add in the intimidation and threats made to Roswell witnesses, the deliberate psychological warfare directed against a defense contractor, Paul Bennewitz by the AFOSI, and a host of other instances of disinformation and just plain lies to taxpayers. Having this “Disclosure Team” show up center stage makes me worry what comes next; the UFO research community is like a battered woman whose abuser has just shown up at the door with champagne and flowers. Where are they hiding the Louisville Slugger?

Fortunately, after I returned from Roswell and before Tom DeLonge made his October announcement, my wife and I gave a presentation on September 24, that turned out to be a delight. We presented “The Detective Sergeant Meets the Psychic” at the Paranormal Pub in Portland, OR. I presented several significant UFO cases and my wife, Joanne acted out the parts of the women from each case. These included Frankie Rowe from the Roswell UFO Crash of 1947, my friend June Crain talking about handling the Memory Metal at Wright Patterson AFB, Estella Krussel from the Westport UFO Crash of 1979, Mrs. Spaur the wife of the tragic deputy sheriff who lost everything by reporting a UFO chase in Ohio in 1966, and finally, Joanne discussed her own childhood observation of a giant silvery UFO. This turned out to be great fun to present and the audience was wildly enthusiastic because the experience of these women’s’ stories was so much more personal. More importantly, these stories drove home the sometimes-tragic impacts of the UFO experience.

Strangely, I am ending my account of 2017 where it began. Not long before I went to Eureka Springs, AR for the Ozark Mountain UFO Conference, I discovered the work of an artist from Barcelona, Spain named Robert Llimos. In 2009 while taking a walk in Fortaleza, Brazil he encountered an alien spacecraft and two extraordinary beings who changed his life.

“My senses were absorbing everything that was being presented to me, and I began to draw what I was seeing. Lights, lines and the camouflage effect of the spaceship with fogs and clouds. With my eyes on the paper, I realized that lights began to project over me. I was being scanned. I looked at the spaceship, and I saw an open glass window and inside its yellow interior, there were two beings that were observing me, a man and a woman, both with very long necks and scaly skin. The woman had a tiara on her head and a long dress, the man a jacket, showing an archaic and noble look. I think that two or three hours passed, too long for just ten notes, ten drawings in pencil without getting into the characters, although I keep their very presence in my memories.”
(Website of Robert Llimos: )

Such an encounter cannot be proven real to anyone who was not there. It is like so many other claims made by “Experiencers” in the field of Ufology. It depends upon how the story and the images resonate with the audience. The clarity of Robert Llimos’ vision and the description of his encounter ring true for me. The encounter is at once so strange and so odd at once; it feels like what I would expect upon meeting Non-Human Beings.

I reached out and exchanged several e-mails with Robert Llimos. He does not equivocate, and he remains true to his art and to his experience. I am convinced he had a close encounter with extraordinary non-human intelligent beings. There is no way to objectively prove the reality of his experience, but in his art, I find a glimpse of UFO Reality.

I sent him copies of my books and in return, he surprised me with two stunning giclée’s of the mysterious beings he met. Framed and hung in my living room, they remind me never to stop expecting wonder from the Universe.

There was much synchronicity in this unexpected gift. Shortly after they arrived in the mail from Barcelona, I had a dream. I wasn’t going to write it down, but my wife insisted. In my dream Alien beings were telling me to speak for them. They did not tell me what words to say. There was an understanding that I should speak for them. I did not get to see the Aliens. I just knew what they were asking me to do. There was no fear on my part; I just knew that I needed to do this.

Describing the gift of Robert Llimos’ art closes the circle for my 2017 UFO Journey. We each must do what we can, each of us in our own way to promote a better understanding that one day we will have to be cosmic citizens from Earth. The problems we face as a civilization are staggering. Our civilization’s preoccupation with distinctions based upon wealth. Race, religion, national origin, and sexuality to identify the major ones, has cast us all into darkness to the point where there are only a few topics that force people to think in larger contexts for humanity. The UFO Mystery is one of those topics. In that regard, like so many others, I am trying to find more light and hopefully share it with others.

Blessings on your Journey to find your Truth.

James E. Clarkson
UFO Researcher
January 1, 2018

One reply on “2017 – Fleeing Corporate Ufology and Finding My Way”

James, good to read your 2017 annual review. I have a contact who had a disturbing alien encounter wirh two Grey aliens on August 10, 2017 at her home in Lithuania. We’ve talked extensively by phone a few times, but she really needs a local UFO researcher and counselor to help her process her lifelong experiences. You mentioned you have made many new international contacts. Do you know anyone in Lithuania? Please let me know. Thanks.
Yes, I resigned as MUFON NJ State Director in the 1990s. As you recall, I was MUFON Wasington State Director in the 1980s.
Donald A Johnson
Nakhon Pathom, Thailand

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