Articles and Commentary

This Much is True

I have a lifelong, genuine passion for trying to understand all aspects of the UFO Mystery. The knowledge that drives my quest is not completely definable. I just know that if I help gain a better understanding of how Non-Human Intelligence manifests in the Universe, how it has commingled in the history of the human race, and how it continues to interact with our civilization, then my purpose will be fulfilled.

The truth behind all the confusion, deception, and false interpretations is in fact, a signal laden with a profound message that belongs to every human being on Earth regardless of their politics or organization. It is inevitable and necessary that the people of Earth should understand who we really are in the Universe. When enough of us shed our old, fearful illusions and preoccupations, when we hold all life sacred no matter how diverse or strange it may be, then we have a chance to grow up as a civilization.

I am most fulfilled when I am actively pursuing the solution to the Mystery.

I pursue the UFO Mystery through Investigation, Writing, Research, and Presentations.

I recognize the moments when I am fulfilling my potential because I have shared my sense of wonder with others and helped some to seek their own higher awareness.

I am a leader to the extent that I may inspire others to explore the Mystery.

I bring credibility and professionalism to what I do.

Based upon 22 years of experience as a commissioned law enforcement officer to include 12 years as a first level supervisor, I enjoy the ability to remain logical and focused during complex investigations.

I have over 25 years experience investigating this profound mystery. I have had the privilege to meet many sincere thoughtful people whom I am proud to call friend or mentor.

I enjoy helping other investigators succeed with their cases no matter their organization. Any success that brings us even a tiny step closer to knowing the Truth benefits all of us.

There are other leaders in this field with far greater knowledge and accomplishments than what I have tried to contribute. I look for opportunities to persuade the public to study their work as a foundation for their own exploration of the UFO Mystery. We all need to learn from each other.

Whatever I do in this field, I want it to bring people together, not divide them further.

I will only investigate, write, research or present from a place of integrity: I try to do what is right and what is respectful and kind to others. If I have to make a criticism, it is about bringing about an insightful examination of policies, decisions, and actions, not attacking anyone personally.

I pledge to follow only one path in this pursuit, the path of the Heart.

-James E Clarkson March 11, 2012

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